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How to put yourself in a strong position for child custody

On Behalf of | Apr 12, 2018 | child custody | 0 comments

Entering into a child custody arrangement with the other parent of your child is stressful. This very well could turn into a battle that reaches the court system. When fighting for custody of your child, there are quite a few things you can do to put yourself in a strong position for winning. Just be sure to never let your child think it’s all about winning.

You need to take advantage of any parental rights you have. For example, if you currently have visitation rights, use them as much as possible. This not only makes your children feel better about the situation, but it also shows the court how committed you are to raising your children and being in their lives.

Do your best to show that you are willing to work with the other parent. Even though you might have a poor relationship with the other parent, who might be your ex, you need to show that you can work with them to come to an agreement on custody.

Perception is a big part of a child custody battle. The court will believe what it perceives to be true. That’s why you need to present yourself as a competent, loving and knowledgeable parent.

Never arrive late to custody exchanges, meetings or court hearings regarding the custody case. This will only look poor on your part and be held against you later down the road.

As you can see, there’s plenty of positive things you can do when in the midst of a custody battle for your children. The less negativity you bring into the battle, the likelier it is that you will be successful in Louisville, Kentucky.

Source: The Spruce, “Dos and Don’ts for Winning Child Custody,” April 05, 2018

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