Some children know that the situation between their parents isn't great and they might be preparing for the end of the marriage. When they don't realize that there are problems in the marriage, the news of a divorce can come as a shock. Helping your children through...
Month: January 2020
Brain damage after a bicycle accident
Our firm realizes the many ways that bicycle accidents shatter lives for people. Sometimes, these accidents result in physical injuries that leave victims with a lot of pain, immobility and other consequences. However, we know that there are other hardships some...
Drawing attention to improper passing
There are countless ways in which careless and negligent drivers endanger the safety of others on roadways across the country. Speeding, texting while driving, alcohol use and driver fatigue are some of the common factors associated with tragic motor vehicle...
Past, present and future damages for personal injury claims
A personal injury claim provides a way for victims of another person's negligence to hold that party accountable for their options. Anyone who has suffered an injury should learn about the option for seeking compensation for the damages related to the accident. If you...
Were you the victim of a circadian rhythm-related crash?
Let us say that you were driving to a dentist appointment at 3 p.m. on a clear, sunny afternoon when the 18-wheeler in the next lane veered over and side-swiped your SUV. Fortunately, you were not severely injured. The trucker stopped to check on you and muttered...
Are you concerned about the nursing home, bedsores and Mom?
You researched nursing homes thoroughly and found one that fit everything on your checklist. When the time came to relocate your mother, she received a warm welcome and seemed to settle in well. She has been a resident there for six months, and you are beginning to...
Dealing with an international custody dispute
In recent years, an increasing number of people in Kentucky and throughout the U.S. are entering into international marriages. In an increasingly global society and with the way in which technology connects people from across the world, it is no wonder that more and...
Think outside the box to solve child custody challenges
Your child custody case is a unique situation that must be handled according to what your child needs. This is sometimes difficult because what is best for the children might not be what is the easiest for you. Finding the balance is often challenging, but you might...
Relocating with your kids after your divorce
While your divorce legally ends your marriage, it may not necessarily end your association with your ex-spouse. If you have children together, you will need to continue to coordinate in parenting your kids. Does that mean that you are essentially tethered to your...