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How can Kentucky prevent workplace accidents?

On Behalf of | Sep 5, 2019 | personal injury | 0 comments

Kentucky employees are entitled to feel safe at work. In the workplace, safety is a priority. NPR explains how in 2017, Kentucky’s Occupational Safety and Health found that the state did not meet safety standards. In one serious case, the OSH inspector overlooked safety violations and did not interview eyewitnesses. This failure makes it near impossible to avoid another incident.

With limited resources, it is no surprise that OSH failed to protect workers. It is possible for the federal government to intervene and to run state programs that do not meet the federal standard. The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration set guidelines for businesses to follow. These standards and regulations are crucial to the following:

  • Reducing safety and health risks
  • Avoiding consequences
  • Preventing injury and illness

To have a plan in place to address health and safety procedures decreases the risk of employee injuries. Everyone on the job site should have a clear idea of the potential hazards in the work environment. Then, training and education can provide employees with a foundation that prevents future accidents.

Most workplaces have hazards of some kind. If you work with dangerous chemicals, then you must obey OSHA’s standards on safe handling. If you work with heavy equipment, then you must undergo the proper training. Education is the key to injury prevention. If education does not work, then citations are the next step. For businesses that violate OSHA’s standards, there are serious consequences. Businesses may suffer fines, lawsuits or shutdowns in response to safety violations.

The information presented is for educational purposes only. Do not interpret it as legal advice.

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