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Drunk driving risks in Kentucky

On Behalf of | Oct 28, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Most people in Kentucky are aware that driving after drinking too much is not wise, yet sadly many residents still do this. Despite a plethora of public awareness and educational campaigns and strong laws, there continue to be a rash of senseless accidents caused by people who make the selfish and reckless choice to drive a vehicle while they are intoxicated. This means that there are a great many people who suffer due to these decisions when they or someone they love is injured or killed by a drunk driver. 

According to the data reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the state of Kentucky actually experienced a decline in the number of drunk driving deaths in 2018 compared to 2017. That said, there were still 137 people who lost their lives in crashes that should never have happened if only a driver had made the responsible decision. Last year, the vehicular fatalities attributed to alcohol accounted for nearly 19% of the state’s total accident deaths from all causes. 

In Jefferson County, drunk driving deaths between 2014 and 2018 accounted for 24% of the county’s total accident fatalities. Out of 445 vehicular fatalities, 107 were attributed to drunk driving accidents. That is significantly more than in any neighboring county. 

If you would like to learn more about how you or someone in your family may get the help you deserve after being involved in a crash caused by a negligent drunk driver, please feel free to visit the impaired accident assistance page of our Kentucky motor vehicle accident and personal injury website. 

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