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The correlation of emotional health and physical recovery

On Behalf of | Aug 3, 2021 | blog, personal injury | 0 comments

An unexpected and traumatic accident may leave victims dealing with pain and uncertainty. Life-changing injuries can completely alter a person’s life including the way they move, think and feel.

Even as people adjust to their disability the emotional effects may linger for the rest of their life. Understanding the connection between emotional and physical health may help people take control of their recovery and their future.

Processing feelings

Serious injuries may result in disabilities including paralysis, amputation and TBI. Family members may need to make the difficult decision to proceed with certain treatments after consulting with medical professionals. Depending on a victim’s condition, they may lack understanding of the complexity of their injuries.

As victims begin to recover and realize the extent of their physical condition, they may experience lots of emotional turmoil. Feelings of grief, anger, confusion, denial and uncertainty may cloud their ability to envision a hopeful future. According to Web MD, physical injuries are often more noticeable than mental illness so they often take precedence. Victims and their families should pay close attention to symptoms including rage, nightmares, stomach pain, anxiety and trouble focusing as all could indicate mental illness.

Getting help

Mental illness can significantly set back an injured person’s physical recovery. suggests some helpful ways for people to manage their emotional recovery including staying active and joining a support group. Psychotherapy and other forms of trauma therapy can provide instrumental support for people experiencing a sudden and life-changing injury.

Because physical injuries can cause extensive stress and uncertainty, people should pay extra attention to their emotional health. Overcoming mental barriers and processing emotions in healthy ways may make all the difference in their efforts to conquer physical injury.

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