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Mediation may result in a less contentious divorce

On Behalf of | Apr 6, 2022 | blog, family law | 0 comments

More people are choosing alternatives to court litigation when it comes to divorce. Not only does a trial cost a lot of money, but it is also a long process, and it is usually stressful for both sides.

Mediation is an alternative that allows both sides to have more control over the outcome. It is also usually a better choice when there are children involved.

Basics of mediation

According to the Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation, in mediation, a third party takes a neutral stance and helps both spouses work through decisions to come to a fair divorce agreement. The mediator often guides the conversation, allowing both sides to discuss their needs and wants. A mediator also has conflict-resolution skills and can help the two parties overcome arguments and differences.

Benefits of mediation

Many people choose mediation because it is less expensive than litigation. However, there are numerous other benefits. Mediation generally helps the couple come to an agreement that is fair, clear and comprehensive. The conversations also allow both sides to have more productive and less combative communications.

Psychology Today discusses that mediation is often better when there is an involvement of kids. In litigation, children may have to speak to the judge or in the courtroom, which can be stressful and even psychologically harmful. Mediation does not involve the children in that manner.

Mediation also allows both parents to take the time to think about what custody arrangement is best for the kids rather than putting the parents’ wants first. Another benefit is that the children see their parents working together to come to a fair agreement, and the communication post-divorce is often better between the parents.

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