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Year: 2021

Do women have a harder time after a grey divorce?

Grey divorce refers to any divorce taking place between a couple aged 50 and older. Often, as a grey divorcee, you will face a different path than a younger couple. In many cases, you will also come across more hurdles. In particular, as a woman facing grey divorce,...

What constitutes a hit-and-run accident?

If you envision a hit-and-run, what do you see? Most people see might picture a car speeding through a stop sign, striking another and speeding off before the police arrive. While this is technically an example of a hit-and-run, it is not the only example. According...

What all does family law include?

When you hear the term “family law,” divorce likely is the first thing that comes to your mind. While family law attorneys certainly do handle divorce cases, however, this is only the tip of the family law iceberg. FindLaw explains that family law is a legal practice...

4 tips for documenting an auto collision

Even a relatively minor auto collision may leave you feeling deeply shaken. After a crash, ensuring your own safety and the safety of others should take top priority. However, once it is safe to do so, documenting the facts of the incident may prove invaluable should...

Can parallel parenting make joint custody bearable?

It is very common to have a joint custody situation with your ex-spouse after divorce if you have children. While the courts make this decision because it is usually in the best interest of the child, it may not be in the best interest of the parents’ mental health....

How can you tell your children about your divorce?

After making the decision to divorce, you may feel hesitant about talking to your children about what comes next. Being respectful and direct can ease your children's minds and help steer the conversation toward a positive conclusion. Keep it simple According to...

How can I be effective when testifying in court?

You may do more than offer a deposition in an upcoming civil case. You might have to take the stand yourself as a plaintiff or as an expert witness. If this is your first time testifying in a civil case, you may wonder how you can calm your anxieties about taking the...

What are some signs of custodial interference?

When co-parenting, you may encounter problems if your ex-spouse is intentionally limiting your contact with your child. Although some kinds of interference are legal in the event the child is in danger, cases of custodial interference that come from malicious intent...

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