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Drawing attention to improper passing

There are countless ways in which careless and negligent drivers endanger the safety of others on roadways across the country. Speeding, texting while driving, alcohol use and driver fatigue are some of the common factors associated with tragic motor vehicle...

Understanding the Glasgow Coma Scale

The mere mention of a traumatic brain injury is often enough to make the family and friends of those in Louisville who may have suffered them cringe. Such injuries can drastically alter one’s quality of life, leaving them to face everything from simple cognitive...

3 steps to take after a dog bite

During the crisp autumn months, you may love to leave home for an evening walk or a morning jog. While you must contend with traffic and other pedestrians, you may not worry much about your personal safety. Of course, if you encounter an untrained dog, you may sustain...

How can Kentucky prevent workplace accidents?

Kentucky employees are entitled to feel safe at work. In the workplace, safety is a priority. NPR explains how in 2017, Kentucky’s Occupational Safety and Health found that the state did not meet safety standards. In one serious case, the OSH inspector overlooked...

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