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Modifying a child support order in Kentucky

Once you have a child support order in place in Kentucky, you must go through a certain process if you want to ask for a modification to the amount paid or received. All initial child support orders undergo calculation using the state’s predetermined child support...

Is the backseat still the safest place to sit?

For years, automotive safety advocates have told passengers the safest place to sit in any vehicle is in the backseat. This makes sense, as being in the back places riders further away from front-end impacts. Still, it may be time to rethink the safety of the...

Did your crash fracture your skull?

Getting into a car crash will almost certainly guarantee you will have to deal with injuries in the aftermath. Head, neck and back injuries often make up the bulk of the most common ones, but skull fractures do not often rank high when people are thinking about the...

How can I lessen the impact of divorce on my kids?

According to U.S. News & World Report, certain factors increase the negative impact on children of divorce. While divorce is in your best interest when you and your spouse are unable to exist amicably, it can still affect children, both in the short and long-term....

Do women have a harder time after a grey divorce?

Grey divorce refers to any divorce taking place between a couple aged 50 and older. Often, as a grey divorcee, you will face a different path than a younger couple. In many cases, you will also come across more hurdles. In particular, as a woman facing grey divorce,...

What type of information is included in ‘discovery?’

If you're involved in a civil lawsuit, you'll likely hear the term "discovery." You may know vaguely what it is from having watched legal-themed TV shows. It applies to criminal as well as civil cases. In essence, it's the disclosure of all relevant information to the...

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